On March 2010 with one of my friend, we had the opportunity to attend a preview of the Liberty of London Collection by Mac. I spent a lot but was happy with my haul. I remembered that I had so much waited for this collection to come out, I was looking for any preview organized by Mac. At the party, I had a little poster with the Liberty pattern in the front and a poem especially written for the launch of the collection.

I wanted to buy everything but it was impossible. This is how my makeup addiction started :).

So I took the 2 beauty powders: Summer Rose and Shell Pearl, the 2 blushes: Prim and Proper and Dirty Plum, 2 lipsticks: Ever Hip and Peachstock and 1 lipglass: Perennial High Style

Beauty powder packaging

Blush Packaging
Peachstock lippy
Dirty Plum blush
Prim and Proper blush
Peachstock lipstick and Perennial High Style lipglass


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